Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Notice of Wage Garnishment from IRS or State - Motivated to SOLVE Your Tax Problem?

In reference to multiple notices from the IRS and or the State Taxing Authority are WARNINGS of eminent danger on the horizon. Most notices are computer generated and will fill your mailbox in no time at all. Confronting the issue "head on" is the only option you may have. Procrastination is a route that will do you NO good in the long term scheme of financial stability.

If you ready to make a conscious change in your life, willing to take a different approach other than running the other direction DWK Tax Group will provide you with viable options and attainable solutions. Not all taxpayers qualify for tax settlements therefore a 20 minute conversation may be the break you've been looking for...

Keypad 1 - 8 6 6 - 2 2 6 - 6 1 0 2 to enlist a Team of No Non-Sense Tax Attorney Representation poised to get you into the best possible position to move forward with the rest of your life. Stop being beat down by the Tax Man, your tax problem may be more managable than you originally thought...

Discover the tax anxiety solving power of DWK Tax Group.

We are Accountible, Respectful and Honest in any and all of our business dealings. "ZERO" complaints is the accomplishment we are most proud of...We entered in to this line of business because so many American Taxpayers were being cheated and duped out of their money because of the unscrupulous Pioneers whom were tainting the tax resolution industry before us and still today.

Consumer WARNING!! Do your due diligence and speak to 3 different firms before you decide on whom to represent you and your future. BBB ratings are fine, although what the general public does not understand is the fact that the BBB will endorse a company because the company paid money to get endorsed, the performance ratings are not rated on true performance but how much they paid. Also we have noticed if the tax resolution firm changes their name the rating will go back to an A+ rating becuse the name is simply different. I don't know you be the judge.

Unfiled Tax Returns, DONE in 24 to 48 hours
Simultaneous REMOVAL from collections status and Wage Levy Removal faxed direct from IRS or State to the necessary party or employer ordered to comply with wage levy.

"0" Percent financing is available with reasonable pricing. We will, as always, be below industry standard pricing due to the efficiency of corporate structuring. No High Pressure sales pitch or intrusive hounding of follow up phone calls. STRICTLY No Non Sense Tax Attorney guidance throughout the process.

Doing It Yourself:

Unfortunately for some taxpayers, they try to perform the resolution procedure by themselves. Without a Tax Professional involved, the IRS will make you agree to a payment plan that is more than you should pay or the IRS will drag its feet and be unavailable you which will prolong the IRS Wage Garnishment. It is the IRS position that the IRS Wage Levy / IRS Wage Garnishment was due to you, the taxpayer, ignoring their previous requests. It is the function of the IRS to collect as much money as they can, as fast as they can. Your best interest is not the concern of the IRS. Whether your IRS Tax Debt is correct or not is not important to the IRS during the IRS Wage Garnishment / IRS Wage Levy process. Also, you are at your most vulnerable when your Wage / Paycheck, your Social Security or your Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits are being confiscated.

We repeat, the IRS will have you agreeing to an Installment Agreement that will be much larger than it really should be. You may be Currently Uncollectible or you may qualify for an Offer in Compromise. The IRS will not tell you this.
DWK Tax Group offers the delinquent taxpayer "HOPE", its what what motivates us as human beings to make mistakes but, yet, perhaps a chance for a "Fresh Start".

Get your tax problem rectified today...Click on